Allyson's Bio

Allyson, at twenty-two, is balanced, grounded and a
serene being who channels for a living. On her daily
walking meditation through the park she notices a ball
of crumpled paper littering the ground.

Picking it up to toss it into the garbage, she reads
the contents and is intrigued by the description
of the course.








Allyson's Story

"Thank you, Allyson." Brenda handed over the fee. "I appreciate your talents and it helps put
perspective on my situation." She shuffled her feet nervously, twisting hands in her lap.

Allyson passed over a Kleenex. "All situations are unique; the play may be the same, however,
different scene." She enjoyed that analogy. It seemed to sum everything up for clients.

Brenda let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "You're right. Everyone has the same
challenges, but I feel so lost in my scenario."

"You have the answers you sought. You are on the right path, albeit a bumpy one at the moment.
Take time for yourself today. The park across the street has wonderful trails. Before you gear up
take a moment to honour yourself and wander the trails."

Hugging Brenda at the door, watching her dodge cars crossing the street, she mused, "That
was the fifth client this week with the same thread in their question." Noticing Brenda stopping at
a mouth of a trail she hoped she would take time for herself, even if it was only a ten minute
stroll. She didn't.

Checking her schedule there was a two hour gap until the next client. Wrapping a shawl around her
shoulders she decided to wander the park and ponder why the same question keeps presenting itself to
her. What is it she isn't seeing or hearing? She knows well enough to take stock in the questions,
especially when they are repetitive - 'why is my life this way?'

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Author: Marie Dixon

Music: Norm Smookler - Temple of Four Winds - Deer


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