Book Proposal

Five Women Five Roads One Path








Book Proposal

Five women travel from different cities to attend a seven day course to understand why their lives are the way
they are. They have never met.

A random selection the first day of the course have these five women grouped together for the duration of the
seven days.

The individual journey each one of these women navigated in life before arriving at the course will echo in all
of us.

The story is part fiction, part self-help and part self-discovery. Through the eyes and lives of these five women
you will be a part of their circle and their interactions each day of the course.

The book is for women of all ages and deals with: life skills, human sciences, inspiration, self-development and

Readers have a choice to participate in the course with these five women. Sealed at the back of the book are
seven pages – one page for each day of the course. Readers will learn there are different views of life through
five women and each journey is your own journey. They will learn about themselves and participate in an inner
trek. They’ll also become a part of these women’s lives and come to realize ‘you are not alone, no matter how
alone you think you are’.

Table of Contents:


Chapters One through Five are dedicated to each woman, one chapter per character, and explores: all aspects of
their life, how they stumbled across the course and their decision to take it, their expectations and expected
conclusion for the course

Chapter Six – registration day and welcoming evening for the course

Chapter Seven through Thirteen is the course, one chapter per day and through the eyes of these five women the
reader will be a part of their circle, interactions, challenges and successes each day

Chapter Fourteen - The Women leaving the course, their actual outcomes and conclusions

Chapter Fifteen – The Five Women integrating their new direction into their daily lives

The final seven pages in the book is the course, one page for each day - sealed. For electronic readers there
is a design for each day of the course

Author’s Bio:

Marie Dixon has been storytelling and writing for years, whether as a Marketing Director for multi-unit restaurant
chains or fiction novels, which she has three written, although not published.

The written journey – Five Women Five Roads One Path, came to her in the middle of the night while polishing her
Spiritual Children’s book, for The Next Top Author Competition. With thirty years of practicing various forms of
spirituality, she knew well enough to head in the direction this new book beckoned and set aside her children’s
book to dedicate her time to write this story for the competition.

Marie’s career talents reach deep into the culture of people, assisting them to strive for and achieve the goal
they want, desire and dream about. Whether training large groups, conducting seminars and workshops or taking
personal time for one-on-one coaching with staff, she knows their accomplishments are hers also.

She successfully directed and produced shows for a medical intuitive and medium from England and continues to
work as a Contractor Project Manager for different corporations and industries.

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Author: Marie Dixon

Assist me in advancing to the THIRD ROUND in the Next Top Author competition

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Music: Norm Smookler - Temple of Four Winds - Deer


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© 2010 Marie Dixon - Five Women Five Roads One Path